People of all ages and with a wide-ranging spectrum of complaints come to Joyaa's clinic. Adults and children present with an array of back and neck problems, torticollis ('wry-neck'), headache, dizziness, and problems in the limbs and joints. Joyaa offers over 30 years of clinical experience and places a strong emphasis on your safety and comfort. He is not a general physician or a surgeon. Rather, as an osteopath, his focus is the musculo-skeletal aspect of the complaints that you come with, and this means the musculo-skeletal component of headaches, dizziness and so on.
The care of babies and children, treatment through the stages of pregnancy, and the management of headaches are amongst his key interests. He has completed extensive post-graduate studies in cranial osteopathic care, paediatric care, care during pregnancy and research methodology. Joyaa brings a depth of knowledge and experience to every aspect of his clinical work.
Joyaa was a Government-appointed member of the Osteopaths Panel of Assessors from 2005 to 2017. This Panel assists the Osteopathy Board of Australia and the Queensland Civil and Administrative Tribunal on regulatory matters.
From 2014 to 2020 he was a Clinical Supervisor to 4th and 5th year students at Southern Cross University. In 2017 he completed a Masters Degree with the University of Queensland (MSc Epidemiology), with a thesis on using conservative therapies for congenital muscular torticollis ('wry neck') in infants and children. He has also completed a post-graduate certificate in Neonatal and Infant Paediatric Manual Therapy, and is the lead author of a Cochrane systematic review currently investigating torticollis in babies and young children.
He has lectured to special interest and medical groups on the Osteopathic Care of Babies and on the Care of Women going through the Changes of Pregnancy. He has had short papers published on the Osteopathic treatment of Whiplash, and Care for the musculo-skeletal aspects of recurrent sinus and ear infections and their consequences in children with Downs syndrome. Clinical research in these fields is sparse and inconclusive, and Joyaa stresses that more research is critical.
Joyaa Antares BSc (Hons), DO (UK), Grad Cert Neonatal & Infant Paediatric Manual Therapy, MSc (Epi), Osteopath Gold Coast
In 2020 Joyaa was awarded recognition as an Advanced Paediatric Osteopath (tertiary) by Osteopathy Australia’s multidisciplinary review panel of health practitioners. This award recognises completion of further university qualifications in paediatrics or child health; demonstrated competence in paediatric clinical assessment and diagnosis; and demonstrated competence in clinical management for child movement, physical function and musculoskeletal health.
Use these links below to find out more. The first link takes you to Joyaa's listing. Find the box top right that says Advanced Practitioner and search on Advanced Paediatric Osteopath (tertiary). The second link gives you more general information about Advanced Practice Recognition.
This is a short extract from Osteopathy Australia about Advanced Practice Recognition:
'Advanced Practitioners have --
- Completed a range of quality education in their focus area. Advanced Practitioners show they have been educated in clinical topics supporting good health outcomes in the focus area
- Demonstrated quality in how they practice with many focus area client/patient groups. Advanced Practitioners show they can give treatments and services accepted by many allied health and health professions
- Succeeded in a professional review based on feedback from other health professionals (non- osteopaths only) sharing management of clients/patients over an extended time. Referees must belong to a medical or other allied health profession
- Demonstrated a career track record of providing a broad range of quality clinical services in the area indicated by their title.'
Go to these pages to see more about Osteopathic Treatment for Children and Babies.