Joyaa Antares

Joyaa graduated from the European School of Osteopathy (UK) in 1987 and has completed extensive post-graduate studies in osteopathic care and research methodology. Typically, people of all ages and a wide spectrum of complaints come to his clinic. Adults and children present with back or neck problems, torticollis ("wry-neck"), headache, dizziness, and problems in the limbs and joints. Babies present with a range of musculo-skeletal issues. Joyaa is not a general physician or a surgeon, but as an osteopath he offers over 25 years of clinical experience. In this, he places prime emphasis on good communication, as well as your safety and comfort. He has been a Government-appointed member of the Osteopaths Panel of Assessors, a Clinical Supervisor to Osteopathic students at Southern Cross University and taught paediatrics at undergraduate and post graduate levels.